The Quest For Monday! Part 1: This Is Where Our Taxpayer Dollars Go, Folks

Episode: “Mystery of the Lizard Men”

Tip 1: Know your animals!

See that episode title up there? Sounds exciting, but what we actually see in this adventure is neither Lizard Men nor even Frog Men, but frogmen—you know, the kind that definitely exist. The lone survivor whose boat they blew up thinks they are lizard people, though, so I guess it counts?

"On reflection, I think that was just a guy in scuba gear. I may be a wounded Portuguese sailor, but Mamai didn't raise no dummies, you know?"
“On reflection, I think that was just a guy in scuba gear. I may be a wounded Portuguese sailor, but Mamai didn’t raise no dummies, you know?”

This also applies to special-forces nannies, it turns out, and here the government is doing a little better than our hapless fisherman. They know who agent Roger “Race” Bannon is—”tutor, companion, and all-around watchdog” to little Jonny Quest—but aren’t too sure where he is, since one of the guys with a clearance high enough to see the file (the Quests  and Race are File 037, should you want to dazzle your loved ones with trivia) has to ask the other one.

"Where IS Race Bannon? …Say. He's behind me, isn't he?" "Gee, I don't know, Bob, are you ALREADY DEAD??"
“Where IS Race Bannon these days? …Say. He’s behind me, isn’t he?”
“Gee, I don’t know, Bob, are you ALREADY DEAD??”

Taxonomy is SO important.


Next time: It has nothing to do with vampires. Not in this movie, anyway.

Next time on TQfM!: Fun. Sun. Laser beams.

J. A.

It reads. It writes. It watches. It researches. It overdoes many of those things!

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