Things I’ve decided not to do till next week:
- Write about the Quests’ return to Hadji’s homeland.
- Watch Barton Fink 20 years after the first time to see whether my feelings about it remain the same (“the same” meaning “basically unprintable unless I were somehow writing a reboot of Deadwood in which Al Swearengen has seen Barton Fink and isn’t happy about it”).
Things I plan to do this week:
- Finish reading that one Dresden Files book I own.
- Finish reading that Lovecraft-inspired anthology I own.
- See if any of my weird drafts might be polished up into an Apropos of Nothing post for Wednesday.
- Spend some time returning to the roots of the site.
….yes, that last one means “watching Highlander.”
See you all Monday if not before!